
A warm welcome to Kendal Model Aero Club (KMAC). KMAC is one of the older model flying clubs in the country and can trace its origins back as far as 1936.  We have a good flying site in the Lyth Valley, set in open fields with a mown grass take-off and landing strip.

The club actively encourages training, to enable flyers to pass their ‘A’ and 'B' standard competence and proficiency test. The club has its own BMFA Qualified Examiners and Instructors.

Important Information

From 30th November 2019, all remote pilots of model aircraft or drones (small unmanned aircraft, SUA) with a mass of 250gm or more flown outdoors, including free flight, not to fly the SUA unless the CAA has issued the remote pilot with an acknowledgement of competency valid for the flight.

In simple English, you will require a license from CAA to fly virtually all model aircraft/drones in future.

Please note that if you are NOT CAA Registered, it is probable that your insurance will be declared invalid in the event of a claim, as one of the conditions of insurance is that you comply with the law and the law requires you to be CAA Registered in order to fly any aircraft (fixed wing, or rotary wing/drone), including free flight over 250grams in weight!