Flying Site & Safety Rules
a) Junior Members may only attend Club Sites when accompanied by either a parent or legal guardian.
b) No flying, or running of engines, may take place before 9 AM Monday to Saturday and before 10 AM on Sundays.
c) No running in, or testing, of engines on Sunday Mornings.
d) Parking vehicles beyond the gate is NOT permitted except for unloading.
e) No models weighing 7 Kg or over are permitted. *Unless the pilot is a holder of the BMFA ‘B’ Certificate, the weight limit is at the discretion of the committee, this in the interest of Health and Safety.*
f) No Gas Turbine powered models are permitted without the prior approval of The Committee.
g) Guests may fly on the Lyth field for up to 14 days in any calendar year, but only when accompanied by one of our members who must ensure that the guest is a member of either the BMFA or SAA for the purpose of flight insurance. Proof of membership and insurance cover will be required. All guests must comply with Club Rules/Byelaws.
On each occasion, the hosting member must record the name of the guest, his BMFA/SAA membership number and club as well as the date in the Visitor Logbook located in the shed.
a) On matters of field safety needing an immediate decision, the responsibility lies with instructors or a committee member, in that order. Any instructions must be accepted without dissent. However, should a member believe the instructions to be wrong, then he should bring this to the attention of the Committee.
b) Any incident involving either a member of the public, another member, or property, or any accident, must be reported immediately to a member of the Committee in order to comply with insurance requirements. If no Committee Member is present at the time, contact one by telephone at the first opportunity.
c) Any pilot not holding their solo qualification (BMFA ‘A’ Certificate or equivalent) for the type of aircraft they are flying must not fly without the supervision of an instructor or another ‘A’ certified (or equivalent) member who agrees to provide training and guidance as a ‘buddy’, unless they have been deemed competent to fly solo by a club examiner, instructor or committee member.
d) All models may be subject to random safety spot checks which will be carried out by an instructor. If in his opinion a model is unsafe to fly or does not conform to Club rules, it will be grounded until rectified.
e) Under no circumstances must an engine be run unless all persons are behind the line of the propeller with the exception of the person starting the engine. When carrying out power checks all persons including the pilot are to be behind the line of the propeller.
f) Engines being run in on the ground must not be left unattended whilst the engine is running.
g) Junior Members and Guests should be supervised at all times (and informed of the rules) by a Member.
h) Non-Club Members are not allowed on the strip unless authorised by a member of the committee.
i) Overflying the ‘dead-airspace’ area (See plan on back page), which includes the pit area, parking area and road, must be avoided at all times. IF YOU FEEL UNABLE TO FLY WITHOUT DOING SO, YOU SHOULD NOT FLY.
j) No more than four (4) aircraft shall be airborne at any one time.
a) In the event of an unexplained loss of control of a model, all transmitters may be impounded and checked to ensure they are operating on their declared frequency.
b) In the event that there is fair reason to suspect that a transmitter is causing adjacent channel interference, the committee shall have the power to require that such equipment be professionally examined and proof shown that any rectification has been carried out before it is used again.
c) The Club does not recommend the use of 27 MHz band radio equipment for aircraft, but if used, it must comply with the current regulations (have the ‘CE’ approval mark).
(i) The transmitters and receivers supplied with some of the current range of RTF models may not comply with UK regulations and must not be used.
(ii) Older types of 27MHz equipment do not comply with the regulations with regards to bandwidth separation and should not be used.
a) Acceptable Frequencies
b) Only EVEN channels on 35MHZ shall be used for all aircraft, including gliders, flown on the field in the Lyth Valley
c) Only one model using Modern 27MHz shall be used at a time, including gliders, flown on the field in the Lyth Valley. Note that the use of 27MHz is not recommended as the frequencies are shared with RC Cars and Boats as well as other users.
d) 2.4GHz equipment approved for use in the UK.
e) Only during certain invitational events can the above rules be temporarily changed by the committee.
a) ‘Peg-on’ frequency control is used. (cont’d over)
Pilots may not switch on their transmitter unless their peg is clipped to the top of the Frequency Control Board above the corresponding operating channel. This applies to both 35MHz and 27MHz frequencies (A single pin is provided for 27MHz frequency use). 2.4GHz users must still comply with ‘peg-on’ frequency control and place their peg on the appropriate pin on the Frequency Control Board.
Upon completing his flight, only the pilot should remove the peg from the top pin to the bottom.
Only pegs with the name of the person and the frequency marked on them are acceptable.
b) Failure to observe such controls as described above will result in the offending member being liable for consequent damage to other member’s model.
c) Members must not occupy a channel for extended periods when other members are waiting to use that channel. A suggested maximum time is 15-20 minutes, either when in the pits or whilst flying.
a) If, in the opinion of the Committee, a model is excessively noisy in the air, then it is to be grounded until rectified.
a) Members may not fly after 31st December unless they have paid their membership dues. Note that unless you have actually paid your subscription, you are not insured and may not fly on club sites.
b) In the event of a dispute, a committee member’s decision shall be final and any committee member also has the power to suspend any offending member for that session.